
Occupational Medicine


Prevention on diseases caused by work activities.

  • Assumption of position of Medical Officer and Licensed Physician;
  • Occupational Medicine Service;
  • Technical-medical-legal support in serious accident events.

Occupational health and safety legislation introduced the requirement for companies to subject workers and business associates to preventive and periodic medical examinations to check their health status.
The Employer, regardless of the number of workers, must necessarily appoint a Competent Doctor to carry out Health Surveillance and fulfill the obligations that Legislative Decree. 81/08 as amended (Title I) requires him to.
HSEGAS – Gestione Ambiente Sicurezza S.r.l offers the service of Occupational Medicine through the appointment of Competent Doctors specialized in specific realities.

Activities of the Physician in Charge

  • Conducting medical examinations, which can be preventive (at the beginning of employment), periodic, on change of duties, on return from illness/injury (protracted beyond 60 days), extraordinary or at the worker’s request, and termination medical examinations (for subject workers);
  • Performing specific investigations, if necessary, such as spirometry, audiometry, ergophthalmological examination, blood tests, etc;
  • Defining judgments of workers’ fitness for the job;
  • Establishment and updating, for each worker subject to health surveillance, of a health and risk record;
  • Annual inspection of safety and healthiness of working environments;
  • Drafting the Health Protocol, which describes the type and periodicity of planned assessments.

In addition

  • Collaborates with the Employer and the Prevention and Protection Service on risk assessment in the work environment;
  • Participates in the annual periodic safety meeting (Art. 35), at which he/she will communicate in writing, to the Employer, the Prevention and Protection Service Manager and the Workers’ Safety Representative, the anonymous and collective results of the health surveillance carried out and provide guidance on the meaning of the same;
  • Comply with the obligation of annual submission of the collective anonymous report on the overall health status of staff to INAIL.

HSEGAS – Gestione Ambiente Sicurezza S.r.l. also engages in the management and planning of Health Surveillance:

  • Updating list of employees in force and managing their respective health protocols and specific assessments;
  • Scheduling, when due, of medical examinations and function of physician availability and company needs;
  • Monitoring and organizing retrieval of outstanding visits and assessments;
  • Management of the issuance of suitability judgment;
  • In addition, for assessments that the Medical Officer cannot perform directly in person, such as blood tests, Gestione Ambiente Sicurezza S.r.l. has an agreement with specialized laboratories with which it directly handles the documentary/bureaucratic management, relieving the company of this additional task.

HSEGAS – Gestione Ambiente Sicurezza S.r.l. to all companies that do not have suitable spaces where they can carry out the visits, offers the possibility of carrying them out at its headquarters.